
About Me
Getting The Help I Need

About a year ago, a friend of mine talked with me about my propensity to explode when things went wrong. She explained that I reacted much more violently than most people did, and she gently recommended counseling to help me with the problem. I was a little apprehensive about seeking treatment at first, but I realized that she was right, so I started looking around for ways to cope with the problem. I was able to find a great counselor who specialized in those types of services, and it was really incredible to see how much help they were. They walked me through coping with anger, and it was great. Check out this blog to learn more about counseling.


3 Reasons To Attend Marriage Therapy

4 September 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Marriage is one of the most challenging relationships you will ever have in life. If you are experiencing difficulties in your marriage, you have the option of getting divorced. You also have the option of working things out, and attending marriage therapy might help. If you are not sure if you should attend counseling, it might help to understand the reasons people choose to go. Here are three primary reasons that couples attend marriage therapy. Read More …

3 Ways To Work Past Self-Defeating Behavior

12 June 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Life can feel like a rollercoaster. One moment you're riding high, and the next you feel like you were punched in the gut. Throughout it all, there may also be a baseline of mental issues and trauma from childhood that may manifest themselves even if you don't know it. Behavioral therapy is a big part of medicine and one that you should start taking seriously so that you can get to know who you are as a person. Read More …

4 Tips For A More Accurate Personality Test Result

3 January 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Taking a personality test such as the MBTI test can be a way to gain a better understanding of yourself and why you make the choices you make. However, there's more to taking the test than just sitting down and filling in bubbles. To make sure your results are as accurate as possible, follow these test-taking tips. 1. Don't overthink the questions Usually, the first answer you come up with is what you know, in your gut, to be correct. Read More …

Reasons For Seeking Sex Positive Therapy

31 October 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Sex positive therapy is getting therapy from a therapist who understands that sexual preferences and sexual expression are not bad things when these things are expressed in a safe manner. If you are looking for a sex positive therapist, then there are some things that you will gain many benefits from once you begin your therapy, and here are some examples of those things. Express yourself without worry of being judged Read More …

How To Protect Your Mental Health

19 August 2019
 Categories: , Blog

Your mental health is just as important as your physical health. Unfortunately, mental health isn't always prioritized as it should be. Every expert has tips on how to care for your body, but less emphasis is placed on how to care for your mind. If you want to protect your mental health, this is a great place to start. Here are four things you can start doing today. 1. Draw healthy boundaries. Read More …